Tropical Collectibles

Coconut Palm (Cocos Nucifera)

Although most familiar in its natural habitat lining tropical, sandy beaches, the Coconut will also...

Royal Palms (Roystonea)

A genus of about twelve species of tall, majestic palm centered on the Caribbean region...

Coccothrinax readii Palm

Described as species hailing from the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico where it is common in...

Lignum Vitae Officinale and Sanctum

Guaiacum Officinale is world-renowned as one of the most beautiful of tropical trees. It may...

Ficus Aurea (The Strangler)

Known as the Strangler Fig, this is a robust, fast-growing and aggressive species common in...

Gunbo-Limbo (Bursera simaruba)

Bursera Simaruba is a singular, deeply tap rooted native of Trop. America, with spongy, resinous...
A palm tree with green leaves in the sky.

Frangipani (Apocynaceae)

Plumeria species are deciduous and slow-growing, with swollen, succulent limbs charged with milky latex and...
A close up of the leaves on a palm tree

Kapok (Ceiba Pentandra)

The Ceiba pentandra is possibly one of the noblest tropical trees. It features immense, buttressed...
A palm tree with lots of green leaves.

Sausage (Kigelia Africana)

This curious African native features an ungainly, wide-spreading crown of coarse foliage. Its stout, drooping...
A palm tree with many leaves on it

Sea Grape (Coccoloba Uvifera)

This sturdy, worthy tree of the tropical American coasts has a habit of stretching itself...